Monday, March 31, 2008

Portfolio assignment

Please answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper to be put into your portfolio:

  1. What am I doing in class to be a productive member of our learning community? Give evidence from your sourcebook to support what you say.
  2. What have I learned so far tht has helped me improve the way I approach my writing?
  3. What can I continue to work on to improve my journalism writing? analysis writing? essay writing?What pieces do I want to use for portfolio? (1 exemplar, 1 improvement, 1 low stakes). Do they still need revision? How much? If yes, what kind of revision must be done before it is ready for publication? Do I understand the revision necessary?
  4. When does a piece feel finished to me?
  5. What have I done to improve my attitude and work ethic in class? Has it been helping?
  6. How much work do I have to make up to get rid of my "n" status?
  7. Am I missing work from this trimester? What am I doing to keep present with what I owe?
  8. How often do I conference with Ms. Sackstein?
  9. What is some of the feedback she has given me to help me improve my writing?
  10. Have I implemented the advice given to me in my writing?
  11. What standards do I feel I have mastered or at least show proficiency in? (Use the other blog post on these standards)
  12. What standards do I still need work on? (use the rubrics given back on written assignments)

Reflect on your general attitude toward your work and what you feel you deserve as a grade based on your answers to these questions so far this third trimester.

Place your work in your folder and then place your folder in the pile going to your advisor.

1 comment:

danielle said...

I think that this is a very strong poem. I feel that the author is talking about where she|he will be in the future, or death. The title of the poem is "because i could not stop for death" and the first line contiunes, "death stops for me." This is a very strong phrase and I think that the author is talking about how the character died or is about to go through death.