Thursday, March 13, 2008

Poetry - questioning authority

That which rouses us to protest
Forces us to consider injustice
Not for the few, but the masses
Sometimes those brothers and sisters
unfamiliar to each of us
For every nameless, faceless person
We choose to ignore
Only becomes the world's personal loss
and each of our responsibility

We are forced as citizens
To take control of our decisions
Therefore the necessity
of our own empowerment
of Knowledge
Choices to lead the young
Inciting the anger which is deserved
Aggressively seeking answers
to the lies being digested as truth

The media spinning webs
of believable alternate realities
to the unthoughtful mind
Swallowing whole the disease
of the few -
parents, politicians and journalists?

We, the young,
Fight wars
Wars predicated on freedoms
Liberating those seemingly without
Pressing the ideals
Thinly covering old money
Deeply routed in oil
Unfortunately never asking
the right questions
All the while
Wondering why
Yet brainlessly accepting
the Sub-par explanations
Cooked up as law
in the name of Democracy...

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