Thursday, March 13, 2008

Poetry Analysis Class Assignment - to be handed in today in class - an excellent guide or how to analyze... breaks things down into easy bites of information... gives you an idea of what can be looked at deeply. - The poem "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost. Please read this poem first... get an impression of it and reflect on what it makes you think about. Then read it a second time and notice things about it.

What is the meaning of the poem?
What lines in particular stand out for you and why?
What are some examples of metaphor, simile, alliteration, and/or personification, symbolism
What is the theme?
Is there a noticeable structure?

Now read the following link: - This link provides several analyses of this poem... each analysis offers a different perspective on the poem you just read. What do you think? This is to offer you different perspectives of how the same poem can be looked at from many different angles.

Write a reflection about which analysis seems to match yours most.

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