Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday assignments

Newspaper Class - 10th graders

Write a task 1 essay based on the listening passage from class. You will have the prompt and the multiple choice questions to help.

Make sure that you keep up with your current events analysis.

Keep to your independent reading as well as when we return you will be writing an literary analysis paper due January 25th.

Newspaper club -
Make sure to come back to school with at least one article complete as well as ideas for another one.

Those of you who have completed one article already... please come back to school with a second article completed.

Tonight's homework- Newspaper class

Welcome to your new time folks... 3rd period. I'm hoping this improves lateness issues and fatigue.

Tonight for homework, I'd like you to prepare a new draft based on the peer conferences and conference with me.

Make sure to have both drafts in class tomorrow.

If you come unprepared, please make sure that you have other work to do to make sure you are staying on task.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Peer revision

Peer Revision Guide

These are questions to ask yourself after reading a paper (someone else’s or your own). If you cannot answer a question, the paper probably needs some revision.

1. Who is the audience?
 Who is the writer writing for? Is it a teacher, a friend, a newspaper editor?

2. Is the language and information in the paper appropriate for the audience?
 Is there a lot of slang that isn’t appropriate for a teacher, or is there information that a stranger would not understand without more explanation?

3. What is the writer’s purpose; i.e., what is the writer trying to do?
 Is the purpose to tell a story about a time something happened, or is it to explain how something works, etc.

4. What is the main idea? What is the paper about?
 If the paper is about a lot of different subjects, then it could be confusing.

5. Is the paper written on the correct topic?

6. Is there elaboration?
 Elaboration means that the writer has given details to make the information in the paper clearer. If you wonder “What do you mean?” or want to say “Tell me more,” then the paper needs more elaboration.

7. Is there any information that doesn’t belong in the paper?
 If there is information in the paper that does not help explain the main idea, it should come out.

8. Is the paper organized?
 Does the writer jump from one idea to another idea in a confusing way? Are some ideas repeated? If so, the paper has organization problems and needs revision. Maybe an outline would help.

9. Is there a sense of conclusion and completeness by the end of the paper?
 If the paper just seems to stop and leave you hanging, or if you feel that something is missing, some additional information is necessary.

10. Has the writer used the right words that mean what he/she wants to mean?
 If you don’t know what a word means, look it up. And be careful to use it correctly.

11. Are there better, more specific, words to use to make the writing clearer?

Reminder - First drafts of articles are due tomorrow

Please bring in a typed draft of your article to class tomorrow to work on revision in class for peer revision.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Next Collection of Current Events will be due on January 18th

Make sure that all articles are attached to analysis.

You should have at least 12 articles and as many as 20 (remember 3-5 per week)

Keep in mind what we worked on for analysis... look at lots of different kinds of articles

Do NOT use only the Daily News... try to use different newspapers as well.

Homework for the weekend

Please make sure to have the first draft of your articles completed... the list of what you've been assigned is in an earlier post. (If you don't remember).

Monday we will be working on revision, so please come prepared.

Have a nice weekend. Stay warm.

Ms. S

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Summary/Analysis homework

Please complete the packet from class citing the differences between summary and analysis based on today's class discussion....


Class will meet in room 330B tomorrow morning NOT in the pub lab.

Summary vs Analysis homework

Literature and the Writing Process:

taken from:

Summary & Description vs. Analysis & ArgumentSummary: tells what is happening; summarizes plot; basically paraphrases
the poem in plain (nonpoetic) language

Ex: The speaker in “The Flea” compares having sex to the bloodmingling
bite of a flea, in order to convince his beloved that sex would
not be a big deal.

Description: may take note of particular poetic devices, but makes no
argumentative comment on those devices

Ex: Donne creates an extended metaphor by comparing the mingling of
bodies in sex to the mingling of blood in a flea bite. He also uses
religious imagery by comparing the flea to a “temple” in which the
speaker and the beloved are “cloistered.”

What is missing? --any ANALYSIS of HOW these poetic devices function in
the poem and so of WHY the author might have chosen to use them

Analysis: asks and answers how poetic devices function in the poem, what
they signify or mean

Ex: By creating an extended metaphor in which the bite of a flea
represents the act of sex, the speaker suggests to his beloved that sex
is as insignificant, harmless, and sinless as the tiny flea bite. He also
suggests that the holiness of their physical union is already contained in
the flea, for he refers to it as a “temple” in which they are “cloistered.”

Argument: uses analytical points to make an arguable claim about the poem
as a whole

Ex: In John Donne’s “The Flea,” the speaker tries to convince his
beloved to have sex with him by comparing the act of sex to the
insignificant, sinless bite of a flea. But the speaker tries to have it both
ways: at the same time that he uses the flea as a symbol of sinless
insignificance, he also tries to convince his beloved that their union
would be as grand and holy as the flea, which he compares to a

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holiday assignments

You will have to write a task 1 essay based on the listening passage done in class. It should be typed and ready to turn in on the Tuesday we return to school.

You should keep a writer's notebook for new story ideas.

You should continue working on Current Events

You should continue to read your independent reading books.

You should gather up story ideas for your next article.

Assignment Due Dates

Newspaper class - your first draft of new articles are due on Monday, 12/17 - it must be in your hand in class on Monday.

Tuesday, you will need a revision of that first draft with a copy of the first draft as well.

Thursday you will need to have a final draft with all other drafts attached

Story Assignments for the second issue

News section -

Field trips - 7th grade - Tessa Horn
Regents Follow up - Claudia
Testing in the middle school - Divya
Rube Goldberg - Daniel (6th grade)
Student harassment - Kaitlin (6th grade)
Penny Harvest - Ariana (6th grade)
Canned food drive - Franchesca (8th grade)

Feature -

Water pollution - Billy Poulos
Winter activies - Paula
Inquiring photographer - Divya

Investigative feature

teens tattoos - Divya
teens drugs - Claudia
Gangs - Freddie


Casey Calvert - Stephany
Style - Jonathan

Sports/Sports feature

superbowl - Stephany
Boxing - Qwany
Basketball - Josue
Soccer - Travis


School climate - Katherine
Resolutions - Monica

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Monday Morning Newspaper Club - Cancelled

I won't be in tomorrow. Please don't show up early. As far as I can see, I will be in on Tuesday, so the club will resume then... make SURE YOU HAVE a PIECE OF SAMPLE writing by that time.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Ms. S

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Field Trip Changes

Please make sure to get to school no later than 7:25 as we need to leave to get to the LIRR by 7:45 to make an 8:01 train.

You will need to bring $15 for LIRR train fare.

Please come fully dressed in your uniform OR YOU WON'T BE COMING

Newspaper Club -

please bring in first drafts of articles on Monday, 12/10... I need to conference to see your writing.

Due to the field trip tomorrow, (Friday, 12/7) we won't have class at 7:30

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

English Regent Rubric and Exemplars - ELA Regents Rubric with exemplars... to be discussed in class

Regents exams - English - Overview - link to some past tests to see the prompts and multiple choice questions

Regents Comprehensive Examination in English

Part 1: Listening and writing for information and understanding, as assessed by:
- a written response to a speech
- multiple choice questions on key ideas

Part 2: Reading and writing for information and understanding, as assessed by:
- a written response to a text and related visual
- multiple-choice questions on basic comprehension

Part 3: Reading and writing for literary response, as assessed by:
- a written response to two paired literary texts
- multiple-choice questions on key ideas, details, and vocabulary

Part 4: Reading and writing for critical analysis, as assessed by:
- a written response to two works of literature read in class

Newspaper Class Reminder for class tomorrow

Your current events assignment is due - (6 -10 articles analyzing author's craft and effectiveness)

No excuses.

Make sure to bring your writer's notebook to class as we will be addressing Regents tomorrow...

Newspaper Club

Tomorrow morning we will meet at 7:30. If you were invited to come on the field trip make sure that you bring in your permission slip tomorrow... or you will be uninvited.

Also make sure that you have written a first draft of a NEWS article to hand in so that I can see how you write. I would like to start getting people paired up and we can start conferencing on your writing.

By the end of the club tomorrow I want to get a sense of what you'd like to be writing for the next issue.

Because of the trip on Friday... unless you are joining us on the trip, there will be no meeting.

Ms. S

Monday, December 3, 2007

Tonight's homework

Come to class with 5 suggestions for stories for the next issue... each idea should suit a different section as discussed in class.

Tonight's homework

Come to class with 5 suggestions for stories for the next issue... each idea should suit a different section as discussed in class.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Newspaper Club - Tomorrow morning at 7:30

Good afternoon all,

It was so great to see the interest in our newspaper... tomorrow morning we will reconvene and discuss our next issue.

I want to hear your ideas for news stories, feature stories, entertainment and sports...

I also want to see your writing... everyone is going to have to understand the conventions of news writing before they can move on to the "fun" stuff. It is a necessity.

So here are a few news tips:

  • Headlines should be active titles that directly get to the point of your article - objectively
  • strong leads should be present - (a lead is the first sentence or paragraph, no more than 35 words) - address the main points (as many of the 5 ws and h as possible)
  • paragraphs should be kept short and should be organized in the inverted pyramid format (i.e. the most important details go first and then less important ones follow) there is no formal conclusion in this kind of writing as we should be able to chop your article at the bottom for space without losing any important info
  • simple journalistic language should be the rule... this isn't a literary magazine... language should be simple and easy to understand unencumbered by excessive adjectives and florid language.
  • Be objective - there is no place for your opinion in news writing...
  • it should be written in a third person voice addressing the audience formally not as "you"
  • there should be many direct and indirect quotes for information taken from people you've interview (direct is in quotation marks and represent the person's exact words... indirect is a paraphrase but still offers proper attribution (credit to the speaker)
  • there should be an objective understanding that cuts out all unimportant information...
  • notice the trend of objectivity written throughout... you are writing news NOT a persuasive essay...

    can't wait to see what everyone has to offer.

    Ms. S