Monday, March 17, 2008

Make up week... use this class time to get missing work in

Please see me if you haven't already to know what you owe... use class time this week to close the gap on all missing work from either this trimester or last...

Come prepared to work all week (including Wednesday).


Freddie said...

This analysis focuses on the theme and the concepts of the poem.
What elements are explored? the element that is explored is death and immortality.
this is a thematic analysis because it covers the themes and it has quotes about from the poem.
it focuses on one specific topic or line and it includes facts from the poem.

Freddie said...

this thematic analysis is really good it focuse on the the main concepts and themes. the elements that are explored are the many different feeling on death and emotions this analysis is different for me than many different analysis are because it moved emotinally.
