Wednesday, February 27, 2008

In-depth Report assignment

In-Depth Reporting (Investigative Feature) Assignment – First draft due: March 7th

You are a reporter sent to investigate important school matters. Each journalist will be assigned a different school matter.

Reporters will have to:
Interview at least 5 people related to your subject
Survey the class and other members of the school
get statements from at least 5 students not in class
Write an in-depth news report with the results of all of the above (each person in the pair is responsible for writing their own article)

Here are some suggested topics
school nutritional program
sports program
school electronics policy
school media
channel 1
college board
after school activities
spirit week
inappropriate student behavior
student achievement
parental involvement
relationships with teachers
careers related to journalism
portfolio assessment
school trips

Top 3 choices

Selected topic:

5 people you plan to interview:

Questions you plan on asking:

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