Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2nd trimester musings

Now that we are finishing the second trimester, and are coming into the home stretch a few encouraging words and observations...

We are more than half way done with the school year and this last trimester is your opportunity to show us all what you know. Make a concerted effort to get work in on time. Be consciencious.

If you don't understand something, reach out to one of us so we can help. DO NOT wait for the last minute to do things, so that difficulties arise, you have time to address them.

Each and every student has the ability to achieve success in our class... it just takes good organization and study skills and a willingness to try.

If you are receiving an N, don't forget to print out a copy of your missing work from teacherease so that you can continue to make it up.

No more excuses... take responsibility for your work and take pride in it. Come to class on time with your sourcebooks and other needed materials. Don't leave your materials in class and then use that as an excuse for not being able to do work. Visit the blog every day, so you can see if anything new has been posted.

Very importantly make sure you have pulled your 3 pieces for your portfolio from the second trimester and have written your reflections so that we can get them to your advisors by Friday. Even though parent/teacher conferences aren't until April now, you still need to have finished your pulls for your second trimester work.

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