Sunday, February 10, 2008

1st Issue... congratulations

Good afternoon everyone,

Just a little congratulations for the effort everyone put forth in completing the first issue. It is currently at the printer and will be at school either Monday or Tuesday.

So we are officially working on the second issue. I apologize ahead of time for those of you whose articles got cut. Either I didn't have copies of them typed or they weren't accurate anymore.

Moving forward, I'd like to start planning for the next issue by first setting up an editorial board and a layout staff... we will be doing interviews this week...

I want at least 3 people interested in doing layout... that means taking the time to learn the software with my help and also taking the time to understand layout design.

I also need leadership roles for the paper itself... that means above everything else, you must be motivated and willing to help me motivate everyone else.

We'll talk more about this tomorrow morning and in class...

Stay warm.

Ms. S

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