Monday, June 16, 2008

Last official day of class

Good morning everyone,
Here we are at the end of our official class time for the year. I'm so glad that you have all made it through this journey with some new tools and good experiences that will inform your learning in the future.

Today in class we will do portfolio pulling for half the period and then discussing and writing of our greatest learning experiences in class.

Some of you will be coming to school for the rest of the next 2 weeks to complete assignments, others will just be preparing for regents exams and summer fun.

Keep checking in with the blog over the summer and I will post different books that may be of interest as a heads up as to what willl be coming in September.

Thank you all for a challenging and meaningful school year. I appreciate all that you have brought to the table and contributed to this class.

Have a great summer,
Ms. S

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