Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Class standards - where do you measure up?

We have covered a lot of ground in class this year... now is that time of year when we need to reflect on what we learned based on where we came from... what do you know now that you didn't know is September?

We will be exploring the standards in class... please go to the following link and explore the standards for 10th grade ELA. Think about what assignments we've done that shows where you fall on the spectrum of mastery of that standard... do you still need improvement (1), are you approaching (2), do you meet (3) or have you exceeded (4) the standards discussed.

On Thursday and Friday in class, you will be working on each individual standard and you will be doing a full write up and reflection of where you are... detailed directions to follow.

For now, just explore the below link:


go into each standard (there are 4 - reading, writing, speaking and listening) each link will explore specific things you should be able to do... be ready to talk about these standards on Thursday...

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